Thursday, April 24, 2014

Music of the Moment

Music Music Music. I'm pretty sure 90% of all my thoughts are song lyrics and my headphones are constantly plugged in my ears. Lately I have been listening to a lot of different music and exploring new artists and bands. Musicians like Andrew Bell and bands like Haim.

I recently discovered a new artist(Andrew Belle) through one of my good friends and ever since then I have been obsessed with all of his music. He has a really chill, calm, beautiful kind of voice and I absolutely love it. If you like very mellow awesome music I suggest you give him a listen. This is one(video above) is just one of my many favorites of his.

Ah Haim! One of my new absolute favorites at the moment, I am in love with their cool vibes and of course their amazing music. Haim to me has this very retro mixed in with modern vibes and their lyric's are totally on point. They are the perfect mix of ultra cool and incredible talent that makes me love them all together. Falling(video above) is absolutely my favorite of theirs and I know they are going to just smash it.

My girl Iggy is my hands down, no doubt about it favorite rapper of all time. Iggy Azalea has recently hit the charts with her fantastic new album 'The New Classic' and I can personally vouch that all of the songs are amazing and I am completely in love with it. Now I'm not one for rap music personally, I just usually tend to sway away from it. But Iggy is a completely different story, I feel that she just smashes it in every possible way. So even if you don't typically listen to too much rap, just click the link and have a listen to her newest single 'Fancy'.

-Doris x

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